There are two presentation linked below. We welcome your feedback.

1. Gravitational strain cycles, chirality and metabolism can be found at this link below:
( This is a Powerpoint file of ~ 20mb that you can download and view.)

Modeling the Physical Basis for Chirality and Periodicity in Biological Organisms

2. Correlations between our motion around the Earth-Moon barycenter and several of our
major constants can be found at the link below: (this too is a large Powerpoint file).

Conjecture Linking the Values of Boltzmann’s Constant, Planck’s Constant,
and the Universal Gas Constant to Our Orbital Motion

(Note that the format for these two presentations was done in Powerpoint because they contain active video gifs. Our files were produced on a Mac, and we find that sometimes images become skewed on other platforms or programs such as Google Docs. If you don’t have access to Powerpoint, we can send you a copy in PDF format; send that request via email to )