The 2023 GUY FOUNDATION SEMINAR* set out to explore the potential effects of non-chemical stimuli - such as electric, magnetic and gravitational fields - on biological systems! Speakers included Afshin Beheshti (NASA Ames), Michal Cifra (Czech Academy of Sciences), Mike Levin (Tufts University), Betony Wendy Beane (Western Michigan University) and Steve Thorne (The Copernican Project). A recording of those talks can be found here:

The Abstract and a link to the Powerpoint slides used for the Guy Foundation Seminar can be found below.

*(See the link at the bottom of this page for more information on Guy Foundation events.)




Keywords: Gravity, Metabolism, Periodicity, Circadian Rhythms, Clausius’ Virial Theorem.


Travelling into space subjects all functional molecules, enzymes, and electrochemical  processes within our metabolic pathways to an unfamiliar set of inertial strains.  While we tend to forget about our state of motion when looking through a microscope, all living organisms on Earth’s surface are being spun through three major gravitational potentials and made to wobble around a co-orbiting barycenter at nearly Mach 88 each day.   Our inertial state possesses natural kinetic and potential energy cycles that define the low-energy baseline states which underlie all electrochemical exchange.

Perhaps then, it should not be surprising that when astronauts venture into orbit around the Earth - bringing their same chemical compositions with them - significant fundamental metabolic changes occur, including oxidative stress, DNA damage, mitochondrial dysregulation, epigenetic changes, telomere length alterations, and microbiome shifts.  While some of these affects are attributable to radiation, the most fundamental non-chemical stimuli they are subjected to is found in the shift in the astronaut’s inertial state. 

Interestingly, there are correlations between energy exchange at the basal level of our metabolism suggesting that our inertial state may have played an important evolutionary role in sculpting biomolecular structures into functional states that would deliver improved coherence with the natural strain[s cycles] inherent to our orbital motion.  Basal Metabolic Rates, ATP hydrolysis energy, and the mean mass-specific metabolic energy rates in over 3000 species on Earth each roughly correlate with the daily change in gravitation potential energy experienced when oscillating in the frame of the sun.  Perhaps even more intriguing is that these correlations suggest that basal metabolic energy exchange may adhere to Clausius’ Virial Theorem which serves as the basis for many thermodynamic relationships and applies to all complex quantum, electromagnetic, and gravitational interactions.

In this talk we will review these correlations and outline a set of experiments that will search for evidence of this bio-inertial coupling. 
(The link below will download the slides from the talk. A link to the video can be found at when posted).

The Guy Foundation
regularly convenes meetings for scientists working in quantum biology and related fields.
Lectures are recorded and can be found here: